We will meet and greet you at the Durban International Airport and transfer you to your preferred accommodation
We transport you back and forth and wait while the medical procedure is being done
Arrange all your pre and post visitations to the medical practitioner doing the surgery
Choose from any of the following personalised packages in conjunction with your chosen procedure if you require this:
» pre and post tours
» spa packages
» the bush and safaris
» visit any other province in South Africa: Cape Town, Mpumalanga where we have the Kruger Park, or the Eastern Cape where we find the well known Garden Route
Where the breasts are reduced, lifted or augmented the patient spend a night after the operation in hospital and is discharged the following morning. All these operations are done under general anaesthestic. A follow up visit to the surgeon is necessary after 4-7 days, but all sutures are buried under the skin and do not require removal. The patient needs to wear a good supportive bra day and night for three weeks after the operation, and restricts the arm movement for the same period of time.
This Procedure is performed under general aneasthetic and the patients remain in hospital for 12 – 24 hours after the operation, depending on the volume of fat aspirate- this is to allow adequate intravenous fluids. Pressure garments are fitted at the end of the operation, need to be worn 2-3 days at all times to minimise swelling, and thereafter fro app 2 months as much as possible to encourage the swelling to subside and to ensure satisfactory contours in the treated areas. Patients may start walking around the day after surgery but more strenuous activities must be deferred for three weeks. A single follow up visit after surgery is required.
Operations to refine and generally reduce the nose in size can be done under or general anesthetics and depending on the patients preference. Those patients using no anaesthetic will be given a strong sedative before they come to the operating theatre. The advantage of a local anesthetic is that there usually less bleeding from facial surgery done under general aeneathetic, and therefore less bruising and swelling and therefore a quicker recovery, and pof course reduced costs. Patients are discharged the same day.
A plaster cast is applied to the nose at the end of the operation, and is removed after 8 days. By then the bruising and swelling should have just about disappeared and can certainly be hidden up with make-up
EYE LID SURGERY (Blepharoplasties)
Most patients choose to have their eyelids done under local anaesthetics, but whether done under local or general aneasthetics they are discharged from hospital the same day. Taping is applied to lower lids and cold compresses are advised post-operatively if the upper lids are done. Surtures are removed after 5 or 6 days and full make up can be worn after 7-8 days.
Patients are offered this procedure under local with sedation or general anesthetics . A pressured dressing is applied at the end of the operation to minimise bruising and swelling. Some patients leave hospital the evening of the operation while others remain the two days after which the dressings are removed. By 7-8 days after procedure, most of the bruising and swelling have gone, and patients can have their hair done, and can wear full make up and be quite socially presentable
TUMMY TUCK (Abdominoplasty)
There is an increasing awareness these days of the so called “Economy class syndrome” ie: the development of blood clots in the legs resulting from long hours spent on international flights. These “deep vein thrombosis” as they are called, can have fatal complications. There is no doubt that similar thrombosis can occur after a ‘tummy tuck’. I thus have strong reservation about doing this operation on patients who fly in from overseas for a short time in this country and then have to fly home. Should a patient choose to have this operation,one or two days hospitalisation are required. Patients can start walking around the day after surgery but any more strenuous activities may be deferred for two weeks.
BATEARS (Otoplasty)
The correction of prominent or “batears” is done under local anesthetic as in out patients: ie The patient walk in and out of the operating theatre without being admitted to the hospital bed. A Bulky dressing is applied to cover the ears at the end of the operation, and is removed 4-5 days. The ears will be swollen and bruised for another week – ten days, after the removal of the dressings and should be covered by appropriate hair styling where possible. |