Here is what some clients have had to say after visiting South Africa – Durban – on completion of their chosen medical/surgical/dentistry/procedures. These have been recorded for the past two years.

Catherine Moriarty from DUBLIN 11 – a eye laser treatment was done – 2003 – “I am really happy at the great result, not to talk about the service foremost and the cost thereof in comparison to where I live”

Margaret Donavan from FINGLAS, DUBLIN 11 – “I had my eyes done via laser in March 2002 and was greatly impressed at the whole procedure and what about DURBAN ….- well that was great - so I was back in March 2004 to have my teeth done at no where near the cost back home. Again, it was yet another experience in the line of service and of course the costs and I got to be back in South Africa, sub-tropical weather and sunshine throughout most of the year”

David Lundberg of SWORDS – co DUBLIN – “Had my teeth done in July 2003 and until then have always found it hard to smile as I was conscious of my “Bad looking” teeth. Now, that’s all over and I seem to smile and laugh like never before. It also cost so little in South Africa….My wife and two children came along on this trip and this all cost less in total for the four of us than if I had my teeth done in Ireland.

Barbara Donavan of Navan road DUBLIN 9 – “I have wanted to have my eyes done for a long time and was convinced by my sister, jacqueline, to come through to DURBAN – South Africa to have it done there, and it was the best decision I could ever have made. The laser treatment took a total of 20 minutes for both eyes and I found this not painful…..wearing only eye patches overnight. I was also able to enjoy a GREAT holiday and have been back twice since”

Declan of Kempton park – DUBLIN 9 – “In 2002 I had my eyes done and I was really pleased with the results as well as the costs that my wife has decided to come over to Durban – south Africa – soon”

Sammy Hancock of malahide co DUBLIN – “My eyes were done via eye – laser surgery in Feb 2003 and as a result thereof my husband came through to Durban in Dec 2003 to have his done….and we also both enjoyed a wonderful HOLIDAY IN SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA…DURBAN